
I’ve became interested in electronics when I was 7 years old. An illustration of a simple electrical circuit, containing a switch, a battery and a light bulb caught my eye. I wanted to try and build it in real-life, even though I was not really sure what that ‘thing’ called electricity really was. Eventually, I’ve managed to build the circuit with the help from my brother and that’s where it all began:). This first experiment was followed by others – my curiosity had won. I would disassemble toys and then give the freedom to my creativity while designing and building new improved versions with little electrical motors and other similar improvements. I have made my first PCB (using acids and drilling holes) when I was about 8 or 9, based on russian parts taken from other devices… Later I started making FM transmitters and audio amplifiers.  After graduating from secondary school I have enrolled in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University where I have studied Electronic Engineering and in 2009 successfully obtained my Bachelor’s Degree. (Any further information related to my CV can be found in LinkedIn)

Guided by my love for engineering  I continue to move forward. This personal website was created to share information and collect everything that I have created into one place.